Created by: Peter Kellner
Language: English
Updated: May 3, 2019
Torrent Contains: 44 Files
Course Source: About
React Hooks are a new addition to React that make using state and lifecycle events easier. They're designed to work with React functional components without needing classes. You’ll learn both basic and advanced techniques for using React Hooks.
React versions 16.8 and higher include React Hooks which solves several problems that went unaddressed in previous versions. React Hooks provide a direct API to React concepts you already know about, like props, state, context, refs and lifecycle events. In this course, Using React Hooks, you’ll learn both basic and advanced techniques for using React Hooks in React functional components where previously there was no good way to manage state or lifecycle events. First, you'll see how to use all of the built-in React Hooks provided by the React team. Next, you’ll discover that you can combine the base React Hooks into your own custom React Hooks. Finally, you’ll explore how to incorporate Hooks into a real-world React App. When you are finished with this course, you’ll confidently be able to combine functional components with React Hooks to build first class React apps.
• Beginner
About Author
Peter is the founder of Silicon Valley Code Camp and long-time software professional specializing in mobile and web technologies. He has also been a Microsoft MVP in ASP.NET since 2006.