Kylee Struut Filmography PACK 2024 by Rosy
I searched for a long time for the filmography of Kylee Struut. This release
is basically a merge of two torrent packs: one with low resolution (480p-360p)
and older codecs like Xvid and WMV, and another with higher resolution
(1080p, x265, 60fps).
For preservation, I chose to maintain both versions because I'm suspicious
that the 1080p version is just an old upscale. Maybe with AI in the future,
we will have even better versions of upscaled files.
I also spent some time trying to find the release dates and renamed the files
based on the release dates. Additionally, I added some high-quality pics that
I found for the releases on the web.
File Types: .mp4, .avi, .wmv, .jpg
Resolutions: 360p, 480p, 1080p
Codecs: Xvid, WMV, x265
Frame Rate: 24fps, 30fps, 60fps
Credits & Thanks
Thanks to the original uploaders and all the community members who helped
preserve this filmography. Special thanks to those who provided additional
information and high-quality images.
If anyone has more or better files, please contact the uploader or comment
on or TGx.