Geochemistry - An Introduction (2nd Ed)(3rd printing, 2012) By Francis Albarède Cambridge University Press | July 2009 | 356 Pages | ISBN: 0521706939 | PDF | 15.9 mb
Introducing the essentials of modern geochemistry for students across the Earth and environmental sciences, this new edition emphasizes the general principles of this central discipline. Focusing on inorganic chemistry, Francis Albarède's refreshing approach is brought to topics that range from measuring geological time to the understanding of climate change. The author leads the student through the necessary mathematics to understand the quantitative aspects of the subject in an easily understandable manner. The early chapters cover the principles and methods of physics and chemistry that underlie geochemistry, to build the students' understanding of concepts such as isotopes, fractionation, and mixing. These are then applied across many of the environments on Earth, including the solid Earth, rivers, and climate, and then extended to processes on other planets. Three new chapters have been added - on stable isotopes, biogeochemistry, and environmental geochemistry. End-of-chapter student exercises, with solutions available online, are also included.
CONTENTS Introduction 1 1 The properties of elements 5 2 Mass conservation and elemental fractionation 25 3 Fractionation of stable isotopes 45 4 Geochronology and radiogenic tracers 71 5 Element transport 101 6 Geochemical systems 120 7 The chemistry of natural waters 138 8 Biogeochemistry 168 9 Environments 184 10 Mineral reactions 202 11 The solid Earth 218 12 The Earth in the Solar System 248 13 The element barn 288 Appendix A Composition of the major geological units 303 Appendix B The mixing equation for ratios 306 Appendix C A refresher on thermodynamics 308 Appendix D The geological time scale 315 Appendix E An overview of analytical methods 316 Appendix F Physical and geophysical constants 322 Appendix G Some equations relative to residence time 323 Appendix H The adiabatic atmosphere 325 Further reading 327 Index 330